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Troutman continues in his position


Special to The Press

The Parkland School Board recently elected Assistant Superintendent Dr. Rodney Troutman to an additional three-year term from July 1, 2021, to June 30, 2024.

Troutman, who has served as assistant to Superintendent Richard Sniscak since 2011, is in his 26th year at Parkland.

He was an assistant principal at the high school and held administrative positions at Orefield and Springhouse middle schools.

When Sniscak announced his retirement effective at the end of this school year, the board offered the superintendent’s position to Troutman.

“The board was very gracious to me, but I am coming to the end of my career as well,” Troutman said. “I knew I wouldn’t be here too long.

“Stability is the backbone of the district. I’ll help the new person with the institutional knowledge.

“The district can bring someone in who will remain 10-15 years for stability.

“I have a granddaughter now, and things are changing for me.”

Troutman recalled in his years in education and said he particularly enjoyed being a middle school principal.

“I could help guide them at a time they’re trying to find themselves and help navigate them to the high school,” Troutman said. “Parkland’s middle school program is an excellent one.”

Troutman reflected on his friendship with Sniscak.

“We started about a month apart. We’ve been together 26 years in one way or another throughout the district,” Troutman said.

“I’ll miss my partner. It’s a new life for him, and I wish him the very best.”

He noted the students they had in their early years at Parkland are now parents.

“We see them in the community with their own kids,” Troutman said.

He commented on the quality of Parkland School District.

“We have a really good program with good opportunities and supportive families,” Troutman said. “You don’t see that everywhere.

“I hope to work so everyone else has the same terrific education my kids had.”

Dr. Rodney Troutman