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Harris: ‘There is real choice this election’

For supporters of the Democratic presidential ticket on the day before election, getting to the Vice President Candidate Kamala Harris rally was a challenge.

After showing credentials or invitations to the gate guard at Dutch Springs on Hanoverville Road, being sniffed by the security dogs, having the Secret Service scan their bodies with metal detectors while another Secret Service agent searched their cars, fans and supporters were allowed to park near the speaker’s stand.

A couple hours later Harris arrived in a black-painted motorcade of staffers and security. After some enthusiastic warm up speeches from local politician Northampton County Executive Lamont McClure, U. S. Rep. Susan Wild, D-7th, and U. S. Sen. Bob Casey Jr., Harris took the stage.

Speaking under a blue sky and into a stiff wind, Harris did not disappoint her supporters. Speaking with simple, powerful words and aphorisms appealing to her listeners, Harris alternated between inspirational pep talk and policy.

“You are marked by who you lift up - not by who you beat down.”

“Trump is even messing with the post office,” she said referring to reported mail slow-downs by the Post Master General.

“Why do you think so many powerful people are making it [voting] difficult?” she said. “They know our power!” Harris said as car horns beeped driver’s enthusiasm and a crowd of warmly-clad supporters applauded. “We know our power!

“This moment will pass,” Harris said, turning pensive and reflecting on the great divisions in the country laid bare by the presidential race.

“Our grandchildren and children will ask: Where were you at that moment? We will tell them what we did!”

A Biden-Harris presidency would expand health care and benefits by making the Affordable Care Act “better.”

“We’re going to build on [Joe Biden’s ACA] success,” Harris said.

She said that mental health care would be a priority.

“Joe [Biden] and President Obama pushed through the Affordable Care Act,” Harris recounted. “It is the most major public policy [legislation] we have seen since Social Security.”

“Joe has dedicated his life to public service,” Harris said.

“There is real choice this election,” said Harris referring the economy. “People need two or three jobs to put food on the table and pay rent. You should only need one job to pay for food and rent!”

She said the Biden-Harris administration would “get rid of that [Trump] tax bill.” She promised more infrastructure investment.

“Fix racial injustice,” was another Harris policy point. She said a Joe Biden-Kamala Harris team would not “try to get Americans to turn on each other.”

“Trump couldn’t manage to say, “Black Lives Matter,” Harris said. “Do you know that Blacks and Latinos are three times more likely to get COVID?”

Referring to climate change: “The West is burning! Firefighters are fighting fires while their own homes are burning.”

Caly Anthony with the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers said she was “ready for change,”

“I’m ready for a woman of color to be in power,” Anthony said. She said she wanted to see “equity.”

PRESS PHOTOS BY DOUGLAS GRAVES A large group of supporters and their cars were admitted to an isolated lot at Dutch Springs where Vice Presidential Candidate Kamela Harris spoke on Monday.
PRESS PHOTO BY DOUGLAS GRAVES Vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris speaks to a enthusiastic crowd at Dutch Springs Nov. 2, the day before the general election.