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Salisbury Elementary School holds Halloween parade

Salisbury Elementary School hosted a drive-thru trick or treat Halloween parade 2-3 p.m. Oct. 30. Students, siblings and parents/guardians were encouraged to dress up in costume for the event. They were also encouraged to decorate their vehicles in a Halloween theme and open their trunk or hatch for treats to be placed inside. RIGHT: Salisbury Elementary School Principal Zach Brem directs traffic during the drive-thru trick or treat Halloween parade.
Teachers and staff greet students and their families during the parade, including back row: instructional assistants Kristi Kichline and Donna Besz, third grade teachers Matt Somishka, Eric Molitoris, Missy Cerco, instructional assistant Doreen Vangeli; front row: instructional assistant Karen Vitalos and third grade teachers Michaele Hippauf, Jennifer Judd and Lori McGinley.
Gifted teacher Karen Orlemann and ESL teacher Kathleen McNally are excited to see the students during the drive-thru parade.
PRESS PHOTOS BY REBECCA FOEHRKOLB ABOVE: Nathan and Austin Levandoski and their pup, Riley are excited to attend the Halloween parade. See additional photos on Page A23.
PRESS PHOTOS BY REBECCA FOEHRKOLB Hope Piediscalzo, Hunter Todd and mom Kim Lichtenwalner participate in the Halloween parade. See additional photos in next week's issue.
Jesse Gunning, Sydney Foulke, Taylor Wagner, Sophia Gunning, Madison Peifer, Cayden Wagner and Tanner Foulke are excited to be at Salisbury Elementary School for the drive-thru trick or treat Halloween parade.