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People say

By Dana Grubb

With COVID-19, the sheer number of early votes being cast and the numbers of voters expected to vote, how soon after election do you think will know the result?

“I hope the morning of the fourth, but I think three or more days after that.” Michelle Laureano Bethlehem
“I think after a week.” Wanda Garcia Bethlehem
“I think it'll take two weeks because of COVID and mail-in ballots.” Angelina Roque Bethlehem
“No sooner than we've ever known in the past.” James Long Palmerton
“If it's a landslide I think we'll know quickly, by the weekend.” Sherry Marchefsky Pottsville
“Hopefully we'll know within the first week. It depends on whether it's a landslide or close election. It it's close every ballot should be counted.” Glenn McAnanama New York City