Board reviews various items
Special to The Press
During the virtual Oct. 12 Weisenberg supervisors’ meeting, board members approved a preliminary/final lot line adjustment for 2267 Heffner Road, for construction of a second driveway.
This is subject to fulfillment of administrative conditions outlined by engineer Stan Wojciechowski.
Two speed limit ordinances were also approved for advertisement.
One establishes a 25 mph limit on Weiss Road between the Upper Macungie Township line on each side, and the other setting a 35 mph limit on Carpet Road between the Lowhill Township line and Werleys Corner Road.
Supervisors also approved a 30-day extension request for the homeowner at 3286 Masters Hill Road to close off the property’s second driveway. This was directed by the township in September.
The extension also includes the completion of an Erosion and Sediment plan and submission to the township for approval.
In addition, supervisors approved a security release for the Morgan Hills development in the amount of $46,187.39 for completed and reviewed work, leaving a remaining improvement security balance of $741,434.13.
Wojciechowski said paving along roadways in the Morgan Hills subdivision will possibly start this month, and Wertman Road will be widened along the development’s second entrance.
In the engineer’s report, Wojciechowski said the contractor for the Valley Road culvert replacement program started construction Oct. 19, and Valley Road will be closed at Shale Head and Distillery roads.
Construction work on the road’s subsurface is expected to be completed at the start of December.
Wojciechowski noted the township was awarded $270,000 from the Dirt Gravel and Low Volume Roads Program to replace the culvert.
During the Environmental Advisory Committee report, Chairman Martin Rakaczewski reported the committee rounded out their projects for the year by successfully working on flower bed cleanup and improvements at Weisenberg Park.
They also cleaned the handrails, bridges, walkways and gazebo at the park with the help of community volunteers.
He reported that the project received good feedback from the community, and thanked Administrator Brian Carl, Supervisor and Road Master Anthony Werley, and the township’s road crew for cutting the necessary materials and hauling away refuse.
Rakaczewski said the flower beds will be completed next spring.
He also proposed having a fun run event in the area once the project is finished.
This would promote and bring awareness to the area and could also serve as a way to raise funds for the fire department.
Under administrator comments, Carl noted he had been in contact with the Conservation District, which approved splitting the difference regarding the Valley Road culvert’s upcharge.
Carl said the township would get extra $61,062.50.
He also noted Donald Christ with the Veterans Memorial had said that the project is starting to solicit private donations and had asked the township for a financial or in-kind service contribution from the township of $15,000.
The board approved in-kind services for completion of the project.
Carl also reported the township had submitted for COVID-19 grant reimbursement in the amount of $85,049.35, and anticipated hearing back about possible funding within the next month.
Lastly, Carl noted work on the trail system at the township’s recreation fields had been completed.
The next supervisors meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m. Nov. 9 via Zoom.