Published October 22. 2020 01:30PM
Before March, free breakfasts, lunches and snacks were distributed in schools to the students in the Lehigh Valley who were under age 18.
Now that some schools are using distant learning or are not in session at all, in particular the Jewish Day School, free kosher meals are being distributed at the Congregation Sons of Israel 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Wednesdays in the alley behind the synagogue to those who have signed up in advance.
The kosher meals, a state sponsored free kosher program, are prepared by Congregation Beth Solomon, Huntingdon Valley, Montgomery County.
They are ordered and delivered by van and distributed on Wednesdays.
The meals are part of a USDA program with the Pennsylvania Department of Education so every child can receive free breakfasts and lunches.
The Philadelphia Board of Education is the largest supporter of this program, then Harrisburg and then the Lehigh Valley.
Congregation Sons of Israel Rabbi Nisan Andrews keeps records of how many boxes of kosher foods are ordered and distributed each week.
Approximately 70 boxes are usually ordered weekly and distributed.
Volunteers are needed to distribute the free kosher meals.
If you are interested in volunteering, email Amy Golding, head of the Jewish Day School, at
PRESS PHOTOS BY ANITA HIRSCH A truck from Congregation Beth Solomon delivers the kosher prepared foods to the Congregation Sons of Israel, Allentown. Arthur Danekyants, the driver, stands behind his truck as a volunteer walks across the grass.
Volunteers help load a car with boxes of kosher food for students under age 18. Each box contains kosher food for five days: five breakfasts and five lunches and apple juice is the beverage distributed.