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The Zionsville Area Food Pantry open to the public

The Zionsville Area Food Pantry is a cooperative social ministry of the Lutheran, Methodist, UCC, Mennonite and EC congregations in the Zionsville and Upper Milford communities open to the public. It is held at 5901 Kings Highway South, Old Zionsville, on the second Monday of each month and the Wednesday and Saturday of that same week. Hours are 4-6 p.m. Monday, 4-6 p.m. Wednesday and 10 a.m. to noon Saturday. ABOVE: The Zionsville Area Food Pantry has modified its program to be safe and easy for clients. Cars are backed in under the Zions Evangelical Lutheran Church awning (the location of the food pantry) and bags filled with groceries are placed in the car. Volunteers helping include Dave Kick and Cindy Schmaldinst.
CONTRIBUTED PHOTOS Clients stay in their vehicle at the Zionsville Area Food Pantry. The cars are directed into specific spots where they check in and then move their vehicle into another spot to receive groceries loaded into the back of their car. This safe procedure allows for clients to continue to get the food they need in a safe and organized way each month. Robin Yoder, in the fluorescent vest, president of the Zionsville Area Food Pantry Board, completes intake information with the client who can then proceed to the pickup area.
After getting their food, clients may then move over to the “All Things Free” set up where they may “shop” for household items, diapers, decorations, school supplies and more. Items are donated by friends of the pantry and members of Old Zionsville UCC who sponsor this area which is separate from the food pantry. Key volunteers in the photo are Millie Kohler, organizer and helper Susan Hartman.
Dave Kick and Bill Konek help with food distribution recently.