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Coplay: If trick or treating, stay safe

Despite Coplay Borough Council not officially designating a trick-or-treat night, Police Chief Vincent Genovese said officers will not impose any sanctions on children out trick or treating.

Genovese said police will patrol the streets. Children and families should follow mandated coronavirus protocols, as should the people inviting kids on porches at their homes. Children should only go to homes where porch lights are on and stay in their neighborhoods and homes of family members and relatives.

In past years, the borough trick-or-treat night was held the last Friday in October.


The St. Peter Roman Catholic Parochial School Class of 1950 is having its 70th reunion.

The eighth-grade students graduated in 1950 and held their 50th anniversary in 2000 with a banquet at Coplay Saengerbund. They then decided to meet monthly for a breakfast at a local restaurant, alternating with a lunch the following month at another restaurant.

Edward Tantsits has coordinated the monthly get-togethers by the Class of 1950, although the virus has curtailed a special program noting the event.


The annual blessing of the animals held at St. John’s Lutheran Church in October has been canceled because of the coronavirus. Church representatives will not reschedule the program, stating instead it will return in 2021.

Other events, including a public take-home dinner later this month, will be detailed over the next week.