Published September 30. 2020 10:58AM
The Coplay Lions Club is holding its 2020 annual fund drive.
The club is a strong supporter of civic projects throughout the town, which include the tot lot, parkway, Coplay Saengerbund, veterans memorial and more. It also has a commitment to national organizations and state and regional groups dealing with research for the blind and persons afflicted with eye damage.
The club provides financial scholarships for graduating Whitehall High School and Allentown Central Catholic High School students, financial support for the Coplay Public Library as well as the fire department, food bank and senior citizens center.
St. Peter Roman Catholic Church’s pierogie-making project, which is held monthly, remains on hold and will resume once Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf relaxes the coronavirus guidelines. The volunteers making pierogies perform the task in the church basement hall, which they have dubbed “pierogatory.”