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Meetings by screen are here to stay

When asked by a frustrated resident about meeting formats during their Sept. 21 meeting, commissioners revealed they have decided to continue holding meetings remotely for the foreseeable future. An earlier vote determined they will work by the safest means, even if it can become at times confusing, until the use of masks and distancing are no longer publicly required.

They also directed Borough Manager Doug Bruce to orchestrate an accounting of current fines and fees, feeling many may be decades out of date, and produce suggestions based on modern practices elsewhere locally.

But much of the meeting was spent discussing an upcoming development, a 29-acre tract called River Hill Estates. In fact, key to their concerns is their longtime attempts to get PennDOT permission to install a mitigating traffic light in the area of Freemansburg Avenue and Farmersville Road.

After nearly twenty minutes, commissioners voted to retain a temporary gate at the Shannon Avenue connection to dissuade heavy rush hour traffic from attempting to use a residential neighborhood as a shortcut.

Dale Sourbeck has now joined the Library Advisory Board. He is replacing John Merhotten, whose efforts had been crucial to opening the Coolidge satellite branch.

The next meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m. Oct. 5.