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Whitehall High School closes for five days

Following two confirmed positive cases of COVID-19 and two presumed positive cases within one week, Whitehall-Coplay School District administration has made the decision to close Whitehall High School for five days, according to an email sent to families Sept. 24.

The school will be closed to students Sept. 25-29. The school will reopen Sept. 30 and students will resume attending classes Oct. 1.

According to the email, which was also provided in Spanish and Arabic, students were instructed to log into their teachers’ Google Classroom sites Sept. 25 and work on the assignments posted there.

This closure comes from guidance by the Pennsylvania Department of Health. The time will be used to clean and disinfect all the classrooms and school spaces used by the individuals, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines.

Administration is still waiting for guidance on how to handle extracurricular activities at this time, according to the email.

Families will be notified of any more changes to the instruction model once more information is available.