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Fight hunger locally through the Greater Allentown CROP Hunger Walk/Drive-by

The Greater Allentown CROP Hunger Walk/Drive-by, locally sponsored by The Lehigh Conference of Churches, is one of 800 CROP Hunger Walks held around the country – with 100,000 plus hunger fighters of all ages, faiths and backgrounds raising millions to provide emergency response to floods and other disasters, as well as hunger relief and hunger prevention programs in the United States and throughout the world.

Because of the pandemic, help is needed now more than ever.

This year, in order to protect participants and volunteers, the Greater Allentown event has two options.

Walk anytime, anywhere, between Oct. 1-11 on your own, in a small family group or with a group of family and/or friends, or from your organization with masks and appropriate social distancing.

Or if you prefer, participate in the “Help CROP Stop Hunger Drive-by” starting 1 p.m. Oct. 11 for a 10-mile/30-minute loop from St. Timothy Lutheran Church, 140 S. Ott St., Allentown.

The drive-by times will be staggered to avoid congestion.

Register at: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/su/xynzkE7/CROPDriveBy to receive your unique vehicle number and time assignment.

Nonperishable food items will be collected at St. Timothy Lutheran Church 1-2:30 p.m. Oct. 11 by the Allentown Area Ecumenical Food Bank truck.

Needed items include tuna, beans, vegetables, fruit, soup, peanut butter, rice, cereal, pasta and sauce.

Hunger is a life-threatening problem across the world and in our country.

Due to the effects of the coronavirus pandemic, more than 54 million people in America may experience food insecurity in 2020, including a potential 18 million children (according to Feeding America).

One quarter of the total proceeds from the Greater Allentown CROP Hunger Walk will be shared between the Lehigh Conference of Churches’ Ecumenical Soup Kitchen and the Allentown Area Ecumenical Food Bank.

Everyone must register to participate in the walk or the drive-by at https://www.crophungerwalk.org/allentownpa/.

See additional details about the event at https://lehighchurches.org/event/greater-allentown-crop-hunger-walk-drive-by/.