CASD Board of Education discusses refinancing four bonds
Catasauqua Area School District Board of Education met virtually Sept. 8. At the request of Superintendent of Schools Robert Spengler, Brad Remig, with PFM, gave a presentation about refinancing some of the district’s bonds.
“How can we save the shareholder - which means the taxpayer - some money?” Spengler remarked.
Remig recommended refinancing the district’s 2016, 2015, 2013 and 2013A bonds due to the low interest rates right now. He said the majority of the savings will come from the 2015 and 2016 bonds but, including the 2013 bonds, will offer more flexibility to structure savings in the future.
When asked if this refinancing will extend the payoff time for the bonds, Remig reported there will be no change to the time frame. This move will simply swap out one rate for another, but it will not change the expected payoff dates.
Remig noted now is the time to act since there is such uncertainty about what will happen to the market and rates following the November election. The board is expected to vote on the matter at its Oct. 13 meeting.
In his building and grounds report, Spengler noted there was a meeting scheduled for Sept. 16 for the stadium project design team to discuss the detail work on the field house and other project specifics. He reported the stadium project timeline is still on schedule, with the design phase expected to be finished and bids put out in December. Construction is still expected to begin in March 2021.
Solicitor David Knerr discussed changes to the nondiscrimination policy. He noted the policy underwent extensive changes to include numerous Title XV revisions and is now 26 pages long. He recommended the board read the policy closely before voting on its second reading at the October meeting.
Changes included clarification of definitions and coverage and included additional verbiage regarding reporting, treatment of alleged victims and perpetrators and more. One notable change is Assistant Superintendent Dr. Christina Lutz-Doemling was named the compliance officer in charge of keeping track of all reports and files.
Regarding personnel, the board approved short-term substitute rates of $180 per day for Nancy Sankari, Amanda Peters and Kyle Davies, effective Aug. 24. The substitute rate of $130 per day for Matthew Trust, effective Aug. 24, was also approved.
Three new substitutes were approved to be added to the substitute employment list, pending the receipt of employment clearances. They are James D’Annibale, Laura Gerhard and Laurie Miller. There were 25 certified and noncertified aides approved, representing all three district schools.
The resignation of Jamie DeLong, a certified instructional aide at Sheckler Elementary School, for other employment was approved, effective Aug. 21. Also approved was the intent to retire for Jeffrey Jacksits from Catasauqua Middle School after 20 years of service.
The board approved the change in employment status for Marlene Safadi, from general kitchen help to Catasauqua High School kitchen manager; Jordan Schutter, from substitute teacher to long-term fourth-grade substitute at Sheckler Elementary; Katherine Haberern, from substitute teacher to long-term third-grade substitute at Sheckler; Abigail Tsihlis, from substitute teacher to long-term first-grade substitute at Sheckler; Zachary Turk, from custodial B to custodial B enhanced; Amber Werner, from custodial B to custodial substitute; and Jose Rivera, from custodial B enhanced to custodial substitute.
With the appreciation of Thomas Moll, district director of student activities, the board approved the revised guidelines for returning to sports competitions. He noted he was thankful to Spengler and the board for working to get the students back out on the field and for helping move in a positive direction.
The board voted for David Hein, Parkland School District, as president elect of Pennsylvania School Boards Association; Sabrina Backer, Franklin Area School District, as vice president; Michael Gossert, Cumberland Valley School District, as treasurer; and Michael Faccinetto, Bethlehem Area School District, and Marianne Neel, PSBA past president, as trustees on the PSBA Insurance Trust Board. Other PSBA positions were also voted on.
The next school board meeting is 7 p.m. Oct. 13.