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‘Trick or treat night’ backed for Oct. 30

Leave the light on.

Or not.

Either way, “trick or treat night” is on in Salisbury Township, 6-8 p.m. Oct. 30.

The township board of commissioners discussed the annual event at its Sept. 10 meeting, indicating by consensus they didn’t want to dictate not having the event, but parents could choose on their own whether or not they wanted their children to participate.

“We’ve been starting to get inquiries about trick or treat night,” Salisbury Township Manager Cathy Bonaskiewich said.

“It would be my feeling that we should have trick or treat night. If people want to participate, they can,” Bonaskiewich said.

“There’s been so much being taken away from the kids,” Salisbury Township Board of Commissioners President Deb Brinton said.

“They’re walking around with their parents,” Brinton said of the children on “trick or treat night,” adding, “A lot of times, they have masks on anyway.”

“I think we should let them have it. It’s not like we have unruly gangs of children. It’s from 6 to 8 on a Friday,” township Commissioner Heather Lipkin said.

“They’re going to be around with their brothers and sisters. If you want to turn your light on, you can,” township Board of Commissioners Vice President Rodney Conn said.

“We haven’t had any problems,” Salisbury Township Police Deparment Sgt. Ronald Patten said of “trick or treat night.”

“If everybody’s in agreement, then I think we should put something out [about ‘Trick or Treat Night’],” Brinton said.

“They can participate at their own risk,” township Commissioner Alok Patnaik said.

“Parents are either going to do it or they won’t. Why should we dictate it?” Brinton said.