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LMT Planning Commission reveiws Willow Lane Subdivision, Macungie Manor

The Sept. 8 meeting of the Lower Macungie Planning Commission involved two development projects, Willow Lane Subdivision and Macungie Manor. There was a third project, ABE Doors Redevelopment, which was removed from the agenda at the applicant’s request.

The first development, Willow Lane Subdivision, was represented by Ron Beitler. There was a discussion about the public access easement on the property. The planning commission also asked about zoning relief due to the property being in a flood plain.

Beitler said the barn is a foot and a half above the base elevation. He claimed in his 40 years owning the property the barn has never flooded. There was a discussion about having the parking lot at a higher elevation. The plan was approved unanimously.

The other project discussed during the meeting was Macungie Manor. The project was represented by Abraham Atiyeh, owner of Manors of the Valley and his attorney Bill Erdman.

Planning Director Nathan Jones said the property had a generous buffer with midlevel planting. The issue of stormwater runoff was discussed. Jones said the property had generous parking and less parking could limit impervious coverage on the property. There was a discussion about having the proper intersections so some of the township’s larger fire trucks could access the property.

The development would have a walkway system on the site.

Planners said due to the slope, the paths may have to meander a little more in order to comply with Americans with Disabilities Act requirements.

The planning commission took issue with the traffic study submitted. The report only had the number of trips per day and did not have any analysis or study of the traffic. Erdman argued it is difficult to do a traffic study with the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation right now because they do not believe this would be the usual traffic pattern.

Erdman said the peak hour trip generation would be 14 vehicles. He said the traffic would very quickly disperse onto other roadways and there would be relatively low volume. It was questioned what kind of an impact the traffic could make.

The planning commission said they have unanswered questions and the traffic study was not as in-depth as they would have liked. They also said the analysis did not consider pedestrian traffic and safety.

Atiyeh said Manors of the Valley wants to serve the surrounding neighborhood the best they can and discussed the idea of a sidewalk and bike or walking path. It was questioned if nearby neighborhoods have sidewalks that could be connected.

The planning commission asked Atiyeh to perform a traffic study. Atiyeh asked for a recess which began 8:05 p.m. When the meeting resumed 8:11 p.m. Atiyeh agreed to perform a traffic study.

There was a discussion about the building heights on the property and the neighbor’s line of sight. Atiyeh said the property is located to the north and west of neighboring communities.

He said the shadows being caused by the buildings should not affect neighboring properties’ yards. He said trees on the property would give more shade to the buildings than the neighboring yards.

The property would have two three-story buildings and there will be some balconies for the residents. Atiyeh said he wants the site to be residential in nature and not feel like an institution or nursing home. He added the development would help home values in the neighborhood.

The impervious coverage on the property would be 30 percent and would include patios and pathways as well as a 10-foot driveway. Atiyeh introduced a second plan that would include a second pool and clubhouse as well as an extra access road for emergency personal. The plan would require an additional 10 percent impervious coverage.

Atiyeh asked for a 10 percent relief of impervious coverage regulations, which would require a zoning ordinance amendment. Jones said an increase of impervious coverage would increase flooding. He argued it has nothing to do with obstacles and has to do with stormwater runoff and flooding.

After considering support and opposition to increasing the impervious coverage, the planning commission decided to let Atiyeh move forward with submitting a zoning ordinance amendment to the township without a planning commission opinion. The discussion was tabled.

The next Lower Macungie Township Planning Commission meeting will be Oct. 13. Usually the planning commission meets the second Tuesday of every month and there is a workshop meeting on the third Tuesday of the month.

There will be a workshop meeting Oct. 20. The planning commission meetings take place 7 p.m. and workshops take place 6 p.m.