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BURNSIDE: ‘Apple Days’ has ‘Market to Go’

“Apple Days & Market To Go” is Sept. 21 - 27 at Burnside Plantation, Bethlehem.

The 6.5-acre “farm-in-the-city” offers apple treats, including donuts, pies, strudel and dumplings.

There’s drive-through pickup, noon-6 p.m. Sept. 21-25, and onsite pickup, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Sept. 26 and 27.

There are family activities with timed tickets that include a take-home craft bag for children.

Timed tours of the barns and grounds are offered. Shop at regional crafters’ stands. Purchase ready-to-plant perennials. Listen to musicians perform.

Pre-order apple desserts and products in the Online Store. Choose pickup time and day.

Face masks are required.

Information: www.historicbethlehem.org; info@historicbethlehem.org; 1-800-360-TOUR