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Opinion: Let’s get back on track like before the virus

To the Editor:

The other day I was watching a YouTube video and some people were yelling Death to America, Death to America! I thought it was Iran or some other country that hates us. No, to my surprise it was our own citizens up in Portland, Ore., USA! I was shocked! Where are the police, where is law and order? All the homes and businesses that were on fire later in the video were appalling. This isn’t about George Floyd and the police. It’s about the future of our country.

Is this what our Founding Fathers envisioned? For crying out loud, Portland looked like that movie “The Purge.” It didn’t seem real.

Look, I get it, Trump is a little rough around the edges. I’m not saying I would have a beer with the guy down at Armetta’s (great food), but he is not a politician. He is a leader! He knows how to conduct business which translates into a booming economy and record low unemployment. He stands up for us against other countries who for far too long have been taking advantage of us.

Look at the international damage created by the eight years of Obama. What more do you want? A better haircut, less tweets, more smiles. WHAT? He has appointed more women to administrative positions than any previous president. He is pro-minority which has created more jobs for blacks and Latinos than ever before. What have the Liberal Socialists done for minorities except keeping them oppressed by their dependence on the government. So I ask again, what more do you want?

If you are reading this letter, you live in the greater Emmaus area. Obviously, we are not a major player in this whole national election. But nonetheless, I am asking, no I am pleading that you do your part and not let these Liberal Socialists take over our country. Freedoms we currently enjoy like speech, religious practice and safety will be greatly affected or out the window entirely.

You say, come on Jim, it won’t happen in our country and especially not in little old Emmaus. Well, that’s a nice thought until it really happens. A case in point, look at Venezuela. The wrong guy got elected and it’s been disgusting what’s happened to the citizens of that oil rich country. And it didn’t happen over decades but only a few short years.

When these anarchists who are trying to bring down our country bring their attention to Emmaus and other smaller communities (and they eventually will), it will be too late. Hey, we are already having protests in Emmaus. So, don’t fool yourself, it will happen. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but it will happen.

So, I ask you again, do you want the country to start looking like Baltimore, New York, San Francisco and now Portland? Or do you want to get us back on track the way we were before the virus hit? People, wake up and smell reality. Open your eyes and see what’s going on in our country. Don’t hide in your basement like the other presidential candidate prefers.

Jim Knerr
