Published September 10. 2020 10:07AM
State Sen. Lisa M. Boscola, D-18th, announced Aug. 20 $457,018 in funding has been awarded to local school districts to help schools provide compensatory education services for students with special needs who may have been negatively impacted by COVID-19 mitigation efforts and may face additional challenges through the new academic year.
“This funding through the CARES Act will assist our school districts in providing additional support and services for students with special needs, who have been hit particularly hard due to the COVID-19 pandemic,” Boscola stated.
The following school districts will be awarded funding:
•Bethlehem Area School District: $177,268.37
•Catasauqua Area School District: $13,525.91
•East Penn School District: $102,622.51
•Easton Area School District: $31,034.18
•Northampton Area School District: $66,869.46
•Salisbury Township School District: $28,553.97
•Saucon Valley School District: $5,335.58
•Whitehall-Coplay School District: $23,423.68
•Wilson Area School District: $8,384.92
The Special Education COVID-19 Impact Mitigation Grant will provide $15 million statewide in financial support to local education agencies to:
•Provide enhanced synchronous (real-time) instruction to bolster remote services and supports for students with complex needs; and
•Provide services and supports to students with disabilities who experienced a loss in skills and behavior and/or a lack of progress due to the mandatory school closures.
Grant amounts were calculated using an allocation formula based on the number of students with complex special education needs within each LEA.
The Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act authorizes governors to determine the educational use of Governor’s Emergency Education Relief Funds, which can be used toward the safe reopening of schools in light of COVID-19.