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Whitehall police

Whitehall police responded to these and other calls recently.


Police investigated reports of fraud in the 5100 block of Stone Terrace Drive, the 100 block of Orchard Drive and the 3000 block of South Second Street.

A report of criminal mischief in the 5100 block of Saylor Park Drive was investigated.

Police were on the scene of disturbances on Alberta Drive and MacArthur Road.

Officers responded to reports of harassment on Jordan Drive and MacArthur Road.

A theft occurred in the 2100 block of MacArthur Road.

The department responded to a report of trespassing in the 1100 block of West Tyler Street.

A suspicious vehicle in the 4400 block of Thebes Turn was reported.


Reported assaults on MacArthur Road brought police to the scene.

The theft of a motor vehicle in the 1300 block of North 13th Street brought officers to the scene.

Police responded to reports of fraud in the 500 block of Maple Street and 4500 block of Main Street.

Officers investigated reports of harassment on Columbia Street and Mickley Road.

The department responded to reports of criminal mischief in the 3200 block of Seiples Station Road.

A disturbance at Lehigh Valley Mall brought out police.

Officers investigated a report of trespassing in the 2600 block of MacArthur Road.


Police investigated thefts on Olympic Circle South, Oakwood Drive and Fairmont Avenue.

A mental health call in the 2300 block of North Lehigh Avenue brought out police.

A threat in the 400 block of New York Avenue was investigated.

Suspicious activity on Carolina Avenue, Saylor Park Drive and Third Street was reported.

The department responded to disturbances on MacArthur Road and at Lehigh Valley Mall.

Police performed welfare checks on Delaware Avenue, Cornerstone Place and MacArthur Road.

Officers investigated a reported suspicious person in the 3100 block of South Ruch Street.

AUG. 1

A reported overdose in the 1200 block of MacArthur Road brought police to the scene.

Thefts on Forest and Rising Hill roads were investigated.

Police were on the scene of a mental health call in the 1300 block of North 14th Street.

A report of a suspicious person on Fullerton Avenue brought police to the scene.

The department investigated a disturbance in the 300 block of Grape Street.

Animal cases brought police to Miller Lane, Third Street and MacArthur Road.

A report of harassment in the 4100 block of Third Street was investigated.

AUG. 2

Police were on the scene of domestic offenses on Fifth Street and at Whitehall Mall.

Officers investigated a road rage incident in the 1300 block of MacArthur Road.

Disturbances brought police to Woodbury Lane, North First Avenue and MacArthur Commons.

A suspicious person in the 300 block of Seventh Street was reported.

The department responded to a fire alarm on Franklin Street.

Police were on the scene of motor vehicle accidents on Fernhill Lane and North Sixth Street.

An abandoned vehicle on New York Avenue was reported.

AUG. 3

An assault in the 1100 block of MacArthur Road brought police to the scene.

Suspicious activity on East Columbia and Jackson streets was investigated.

The department responded to a disturbance on MacArthur Road.

A protection-from- abuse violation brought officers to the 5200 block of Main Street.

Police performed welfare checks on Crest Drive, Third Street and Jordan Parkway.

A motor vehicle accident on Third Street brought out police.