Eric Evans appointed to interest rate authority
The board Aug. 24 appointed Eric Evans to replace recently-resigned David Arner on the BASD Authority. The authority facilitates interest rate transactions for the district, and the Bethlehem Area Vo-Tech School General Authority, which plays a similar role for BAVTS.
The board also ratified its previous approval of a change order to replace all window casework at Asa Packer ES, due to damage uncovered during the summer’s HVAC replacement project. Although the replacement costs more than $100,000, the costs will be covered by material and labor credits stemming from cost under-runs on other portions of the overall project.
Additionally, the board selected Step By Step Learning to support ongoing Reading by Grade 3 (RBG3) work for the 2020-21 school year, at a cost of $2,643,550. All nine board members were present; all motions passed 9-0.
Board president Mike Faccinetto reported that the board would meet in executive session after the meeting to discuss contract negotiation.
Superintendent Dr. Joseph Roy reported that 88 percent of students are scheduled to participate in the hybrid model, with most of the remaining students signed up for eClassroom (BASD teachers delivering online-only instruction), and a smaller number signed up for BASD Cyber Academy (BASCA, online instruction delivered by IU20 instructors).
Roy also reported that the East Penn Conference has delayed the start of fall sports, but that decision does not apply to cross country, tennis, or golf, which began on their regularly scheduled date.
District administrators will work with athletic administrators to monitor any enhanced transmission of the novel coronavirus that could be linked to fall contact sports.
The Foundation for BASD met Aug. 18, and plans to continue to offer teacher innovation grants. The focus for the near future is to connect with local alumni to build the network beyond its strong base of local businesses.
Members of the public asked questions via the Zoom Q&A box. Lisa McHale asked about band, chorus and cheerleading, and whether they would be handled in a manner similar to fall sports.
Roy said band is now practicing; chorus and band must practice outside. Cheerleading falls under sports, and has been practicing as well. Anna Silvazi asked whether students repeatedly violating CDC guidelines will be compelled to switch to entirely virtual education.
Faccinetto responded that mask and other CDC guidelines will be enforced as a matter of discipline, working from teachers to principals in a similar fashion to other disciplinary matters. Nicole Klein asked when students will receive eClassroom information. Assistent Superintendent Dr. Jack Silva said that teachers will have information up on Schoology on Friday, and will do check-ins Monday (Aug. 31) afternoon.
A follow-up question about band performing at football halftime shows didn’t have a clear response, given the current state limits on 250 people in attendance at outdoor events, and the band’s present small-group sectional practice sessions.