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Bethlehem resident, friends help with Penn College renovations

PRESS PHOTO COURTESY PENN COLLEGE For a few worrisome weeks, three Pennsylvania College of Technology students thought they would join the ranks of countless others whose summer internships were casualties of the COVID-19 pandemic. But the college “engineered” a solution, a favor the students more than returned. Brian J. Daniels, Lake City; Conner J. Nickerson, Bethlehem; and Levi E. Pomeroy, Dillsburg; spent the summer helping faculty and staff revamp the college's machining facility and equip a new electronics lab, benefiting their future and the hands-on education of the next generation of “tomorrow makers” at the college. All three students are seeking a bachelor's degree. Daniels and Pomeroy are majoring in automation engineering technology: mechatronics, and Nickerson is in the automation engineering technology: robotics and automation program.