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CMS News: Different entrances assigned for arrival

The first day of classes for Catasauqua Middle School students will be Aug. 31. Homeroom begins 7:47 a.m. There are designated entrance doors for all students due to COVID-19 protocols.

• Students arriving by bus: Enter through the doors by the tech ed room.

• Fifth-grade students: Enter through the main doors.

• Sixth-grade students: Enter through the side cafeteria doors.

• Seventh-grade students: Enter through the exterior doors near the band room, by the flagpole area.

• Eighth-grade students: Enter through the doors by the memory garden.

All students will report directly to homeroom.


All parents/guardians should do a temperature check on their children before leaving for school each day. Any child with a temperature of 100.4 degrees F or higher or experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms should not report to school.


Breakfast service will begin Sept. 9.

Students will have the opportunity to take a grab-and-go breakfast during dismissal time to eat the next morning.


If you have any information for this column, send the details to sanderson@tnonline.com, and I’ll be happy to include it in a future column.