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Willow Lane Elementary School holds Moving On Ceremony

The East Penn School District school year ended minus the traditional cheers for goals accomplished and challenges anticipated. However, school administrators, teachers, staff and parents have come up with creative ways to remedy the situation.

On Aug. 13, Willow Lane Elementary School students who successfully completed fifth grade this year participated in an open-air version of the school’s annual Moving On Ceremony.

Susan Berger, Willow Lane Elementary School’s outgoing PTO president, said under the guidance of school principal Dr. Anthony Moyer, a drive-by Moving On Ceremony was organized.

As cars lined up in the parking lot, Moyer, fifth grade teachers and staff members greeted the students and their families. Fifth grade science and social studies teacher Ryan Peters provided background music. Gift bags donated by Ai Orthodontics containing a variety of goodies were distributed and each student was individually recognized with a certificate presented by his or her fifth grade teacher.

The school guidance counselor and psychologist were also on hand to offer congratulations and best wishes. Balloon columns provided a festive backdrop for the presentations and pictures.

This year’s Willow Lane Elementary School Moving On Ceremony maintained the school’s tradition in a non-traditional format. The event provided a memorable and upbeat segue for students transitioning from elementary to middle school.

Fifth grade science and social studies teacher Ryan Peters contributes his musical talents to the Willow Lane Elementary School Moving On festivities Aug. 13.
Soon to be middle school student Ally Kusko is all smiles.
Davey Sesok proudly displays his completion of elementary school certificate standing beside his teacher Joe Bigley.
Emily Romano receives her certificate and best wishes from her teacher, Jennifer Sakelarides.
Chris, Aidan and Maureen Brophy proudly celebrate Aidan's completion of fifth grade.
Flanked by teachers Joe Bigley and Jennifer Sakelarides, Ava Stewart appears confident about moving on to middle school.
press photos by beverly springer Elena Stezenko stands for pictures with her mom, Melinda Stezenko.
The Isaksson family, father Anders, daughter Sofia and mother Jaime enjoy a moment together during the Willow Lane Elementary School Moving On Ceremony Aug. 13.
Keira Dunbar shows the certificate given in recognition of her completion of grade five.
The Cummings family is on hand to celebrate son Declan's move from elementary to middle school. Pictured left to right, are mom, Erin; sisters, Harper and Kate; Declan and dad, Chris. PRESS PHOTO BY BEVERLY SPRINGER
Sanai Pacheco proudly displays her certificate and appears ready for middle school. Members of the Pacheco family – dad, Terrence, daughter, Sanai and mom, Ayanna – celebrate Sanai's completion of elementary school.