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MACUNGIE BOROUGH COUNCIL Tropical storm brings serious water issues

Water was the main topic of concern at the Aug. 17 Macungie Borough Council meeting. Due to the rainfall during the recent tropical storm, much damage was evident to borough buildings, residential dwellings and local bridges.

The Cotton Street bridge is in the process of construction having the first concrete base built. The storm made changes in that area which has caused a re-evaluation of the project.

The Hickory Street bridge was damaged as the creek came over its banks. Water also was a problem for Allen Organ, Bear Swamp Beverage and Macungie Memorial Park. The creek is now 2 feet wider than before the storm.

Mayor Ron Conrad said an emergency was declared and council reaffirmed the resolution which will assist in obtaining emergency funds. The hope is this will aid in obtaining Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency funds.

A resident spoke about water on Locust Street by Allen Organ. The resident said there have been ongoing problems during heavy downpours. Water made manhole covers pop up and there was water literally bubbling and shooting out of the manholes. It was said the problem may exist with the aging sanitary sewer.

An ongoing water problem with Stone Hill Meadows was also noted but there is an ongoing dialogue with Allen Organ and the developer.

Council complimented the fire department, police and other personnel for their work during the storm.

In other business, a towing ordinance is being considered since there is no ordinance in place.

The lighting project on Lumber Street is still being developed. A bid is being created for advertising. Details need to be refined which may include tree trimming.

The lighting on Main Street should be completed by the end of the week. Both sides of the street will be lit when finished.

Some area municipality workers are assisting Macungie workers on some street repaving. The project is going well.

The office of state Sen. Pat Browne, R-16th, announced the award of a small water grant in the amount of $155,340. This will be used to replace lead piping going into the houses on South Church Street.

It was decided The Estates at Brookside’s retention pond can be made into a rain garden.

The 5G antennas are being presented and proposed to be attached to already installed utility poles.

An intern may be hired to assist with borough office activities. The intern will not be paid by Macungie borough.

Macungie Public Works has shown improvement in reporting upcoming projects. Council expressed their gratitude.

Council member Roseann Schleicher raised the subject of weed growth on properties. It is a reminder to residents that weeds growing between cracks on sidewalks are the property owner’s responsibility and should be removed. Not doing so can result in borough intervention. She said weeds take away from the beauty of the area.

An executive session was held about personnel matters.

FILE PHOTO Drivers navigate a flooded Route 100/Main Street in Macungie borough during Tropical Storm Isaias Aug. 4.