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EMMAUS FARMERS’ MARKET Shoppers visit Triangle Park for flowers, food and fun

A light drizzle and overcast skies did not deter shoppers from the Emmaus Farmers' Market in Triangle Park, Emmaus, Aug. 16. RIGHT: Katie Seagreaves, of The Big Red Barn, 516 North St., Emmaus, notes this is her shop's fourth season at the market. “We had our best day of all four years this summer,” Seagreaves said. PRESS PHOTOS BY APRIL PETERSON
Sarah Anderson, of Bee Well Blooms, Limeport Pike, helps customer Louisa Frey, of Bethlehem, purchase a bouquet. “We love it here,” Anderson said of the Emmaus Farmers' Market. “It's five minutes from home.”
Shoppers at the Teprovich Family Farm stand are reminded to observe social distancing through use of caution cones and striped rope.
Joshua Delva, of Bethlehem and Jonalee Nieves, also of Bethlehem, help customers at The Flour Shop outpost at the Emmaus Farmers' Market Aug. 16. The Flour Shop, Bethlehem, has participated in the market for 11 years.
Guitarist Frank Porter performs Neil Young's song “Like A Hurricane” as part of his fifth show in 48 hours and his first appearance at the Emmaus Farmers' Market for the season, he told his audience. “It's a personal new record,” Porter said. His set also included the music of Led Zepplin as well as original songs.
Shoppers wear masks and social distance at the Lettuce Alone Farm stand.
A light drizzle greets shoppers at the Emmaus Farmers' Market in Triangle Park, Emmaus, Aug. 16.
Ears of fresh corn are among the offerings at the Hausman Fruit Farm stand at Emmaus Farmers' Market Aug. 16.