Published August 19. 2020 02:15PM
With some sports action resuming, Coplay Sports and Coplay Borough Council, at council’s regular meeting Aug. 11, looked at how to better coordinate their efforts.
Councilman Rick Kern has been tasked with helping to coordinate efforts between council and the borough’s active and successful sports teams, which compete at Balliet Stadium.
The stadium has been upgraded to a class A facility and sports teams from around the area are anxious to play on the field.
All that activity adds to parking problems around the borough and the aftermath of people congregating for an event.
Recently, a local adult softball event got cut short by a thunderstorm. The trash reportedly did not get picked up by the event sponsors. The borough had to clean it up, and neighbors complained of the smell of rotting garbage, according to council members.
Borough council and Coplay Sports will work to coordinate cleanup efforts after events.
In other business, council voted to move ahead on the public works building on Bridge Street. The contract was $2.1 million, slightly above the $2 million budget. The building is funded by a long-term bond that includes the new building and paying off short-term debt.
Council and the winning bidder will begin working on the details of the agreement with the hopes of making some progress before winter weather sets in. The property still has a lease left over from the bridge construction teams. It is assumed the lease can be terminated.
Council appointed Gregory Seufert as a part-time police officer to fill a vacancy. The borough plans to hire a full-time police officer. New officers are hired through a coordinated testing and application process. As soon as that process opens again, approved applicants will be reviewed and interviewed for the position.