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Coplay restaurant closes doors

A popular restaurant in Coplay, Paulie’s Restaurant, 1214 Chestnut St., has reportedly closed permanently due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Restrictions placed on restaurants by Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf greatly reduced the number of diners allowed inside dining, making the business unsustainable.

The restrictions forced Paulie’s to rely on takeout orders that were not lucrative enough to sustain the restaurant. The property had insufficient room to arrange for outside dining.

The Paulie’s Restaurant property has a rich history.

Once an Atlantic-Richfield gas station, it changed to an ARCO gas station in the 1970s. This station was involved in a mini-gas war in the 1970s between Blose’s Service Station, formerly on Ninth and Chestnut streets; Kunkle’s Citgo station, once located at 11th and Chestnut streets; and the former Ressler’s Amoco gas station, also located at Ninth and Chestnut streets, across the street from Blose’s Service Station.

At that time, there were five gas stations in Coplay. Currently, the only gas station in Coplay is at Giant.

After the ARCO station closed, the building was transformed into a restaurant, and Sal’s Restaurant was born. After several years, Sal’s was sold to Tony Cross, who operated for many years as Tony’s Restaurant. Cross also operated a catering service there.

After Cross had to sell the store, due to health reasons, it became Paulie’s Restaurant.

Paulie’s Restaurant will be missed in Coplay. A large senior citizen clientele kept the local restaurant viable for many years.

Church groups and senior organizations held meetings at Paulie’s. Coplay Democratic Club also held candidates events at the restaurant.

In 2018, U.S. House Rep. Susan Wild, D-7th, and other candidates for the 7th District U.S. House seat, shared their political plans at Coplay Democratic Club’s meet the candidates event at Paulie’s. The meeting also included a journalist from Huffington Post.

There is hope among many in Coplay the restaurant can reopen after the pandemic is under control so inside dining can occur at least at the 50-percent level.

Press photo by Bill Leiner Jr. Paulie's Restaurant, 1214 Chestnut St., Coplay, has closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.