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Catasauqua: Place orders for St. Mary’s grab-and-go dinners

St. Mary’s Catholic Church, 122 Union St., is hosting the Island Expressions food truck for a grab-and-go dinner fundraiser. The menu includes turkey barbecue, steak sandwich, chicken fingers, fries, pierogies, cabbage and noodles and funnel cake.

You must preorder and prepay for this event. Orders are due Aug. 17.

Food pickup is scheduled for 4:30-6:30 p.m. Aug. 21 or 22.

For an order form or more information, email or call Kim at the parish office at kim.stmarys122@gmail.com or 610-264-0332.


The Morning Glories of Holy Trinity Memorial Lutheran Church will meet 10 a.m. Aug. 17 in the worship area of the church, Fourth and Pine streets.


Holy Trinity Memorial Lutheran Church is planning a basket raffle event 3-7 p.m. Aug. 28 and then 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Aug. 29. Winners will be notified by phone after the drawing Aug. 29. You do not have to be present to win.

Proceeds will benefit children and youth and the pastor’s discretionary fund.

For ticket prices or more information, call Janice Charvalla at 610-440-0073.


Catasauqua’s virtual summer concert series continues 8 p.m. every Friday. Concerts are livestreamed at facebook.com/CattyParkConcerts/live.

Donations to support Catasauqua Community Food Bank can be made through the “Shop Now” button.


My email address is lhahn775@verizon.net if there is any information you would like published in this column.

Have a great week, and continue to stay safe.