Lower Macungie Township held a live planning commission meeting at the township building July 14 with the use of masks and 6 foot distance between attendees.
The first planning project is for 2035 Mill Creek Road with Jeremy and Amy Stegerwalt presenting a two lot subdivision along an existing private driveway. The one lot is 66,157 square feet and the other lot is 122,035 square feet.
This is an updated application as the original plan goes back to 1962. It was not a recorded plan but there is copy available.
The driveway is a narrow private road but access is available for emergency vehicles.
Driveway maintenance was discussed. There is no legal maintenance agreement but there is a verbal agreement to plow snow and keep the driveway free of potholes. Solicitor David Brooman suggested there be a written plan for this. The plan was tabled as it was just received July 9.
The owner of several assisted care facilities has proposed another facility for the Lower Macungie area, being called Macungie Manor. Abe Atiyeh owns Whitehall Manor, Saucon Valley Manor and Parkland Manor. The location of the proposed facility is along Route 78 and Hill View and Kressler Roads.
The proposed facility consists of four buildings which will include a potential memory-care facility. Two of the buildings will consist of three stories with 86 units per building or 172 total units. The term of personal care is the partial usage with modified skilled care for other units. Residents who will occupy this facility are mostly independent as well as healthy.
The property is shared with South Whitehall Township.
Atiyeh said this would make a fourth facility in the area. There are two kitchens which are shared. Macungie would share with another facility.
This facility would also include a clubhouse.
There was a concern raised about emergency vehicle access. There was also discussion about the impervious surfaces with concern over poor drainage areas. This could be an issue during emergency usage during heavy rain with water ponding on these access roads. Further discussion arose over the three-story buildings fitting in with the area. This project has to be in harmony with the neighbors. It was said neighbors would not like to be sitting in their backyards looking at a three-story building.
It was suggested the plan be redone to make the buildings two story. Also a study should be conducted on the neighborhood to see the affect the buildings would have within the area. Also a traffic study should be conducted.
The plan was tabled and the deadline was extended to October.