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LCCC, NCC, Workforce LV to retrain COVID-displaced

Lehigh Carbon Community College (LCCC) has partnered with the Workforce Board Lehigh Valley and Northampton Community College (NCC) on a job-retraining program for workers displaced because of COVID-19.

“Top Degrees Close to Home” will educate displaced workers concerning high-demand jobs and programs available at LCCC and NCC that will qualify them for the positions.

LCCC offers “Fundamentals of Supervision and Management,” “Accounting,” “Certified Production Technician,” “Medical Assistant Certification” and an “Entrepreneurship and Small Business Specialized Diploma,” some of which can be completed in six weeks.

Tuition assistance is available through Workforce Board Lehigh Valley. LCCC students who have unexpected educational expenses or financial hardship because of the COVID-19 pandemic while a student at LCCC can apply for emergency grants through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) act. Information: www.lccc.edu/scholarships

“Top Degrees Close to Home” information: Leslie Bartholomew, Director of Returning Adult and Veteran Services, lbartholomew@lccc.edu; 610-799-1575

To enroll in education courses at LCCC Donley Center: donley@lccc.edu; 610-799-1940

Information: www.lccc.edu/workforce