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Yard sale draws crowds as the county enters the green phase

It’s been a long dry spell for yard sale aficionados, but it finally came to an end in New Tripoli June 27.

Even sporadic showers did not deter shoppers as they emerged from their cars with cash in their pockets and a spring in their step.

A cluster of vendors at two separate locations, the townhouses on Madison Street and the New Tripoli Fire Hall on Decatur Street, lured locals and others.

“This was a last-minute thing,” New Tripoli Fire Chief Engineer Bruce Dalrymple said. “We provided a table with a 10 by 15 foot space for ten dollars.”

Dalrymple good naturedly quipped, at that rate, the money collected could cover the expense of the toilet paper used, since the fire hall was the sole facility in town.

“Business has been terrific,” Roland Lenhart said, explaining that “once a year, they had it at the park.”

This year the event was canceled because of the coronavirus.

“There’s been a pretty good crowd,” agreed Angela Dalrymple. “It’s neat to see so many people come out on a Saturday.”

The yard sale not only provided shoppers a chance to search for treasures, but it also gave them an opportunity to chat with neighbors they might not have seen for a while, adding to the convivial air.

The week prior, the fire company held its annual Father’s Day barbecue drive thru, which also was a big success.

“We sold out by 11:30 a.m.,” Angela Dalrymple said.

The fire company is planning a chicken barbecue from 4 to 7 p.m. July 24.

For a nine-dollar ticket, patrons will get one half of Kauffman’s Famous Chicken, a baked Idaho potato, a container of gourmet coleslaw and a bottle of water.

Tickets must be turned in by July 13 for the drive thru pick up only event.

Along with the rest of Lehigh County, New Tripoli officially entered the green phase on June 26.

People are still required to wear masks in crowds and private businesses, but all businesses are given the go ahead to reopen, with few restrictions.

The green phase of Gov. Tom Wolf’s reopening plan is the least restrictive phase, and the governor has been cautious in his decisions relative to moving the commonwealth forward while numbers of those afflicted with the coronavirus are on the rise in many other states.

PRESS PHOTOS BY ANNA GILGOFFBruce and Angela Dalrymple sold tickets for an upcoming New Tripoli Fire Company chicken barbecue scheduled for July 24.