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Bear Road Bridge discussed

Lowhill supervisors met June 4 via Zoom due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The board approved a resolution to adopt Leisure Court for the township map.

Engineer Ryan Christman discussed Bear Road Bridge and the most recent report he received about its condition.

He was pleased to explain this report was not as bad as what the previous firm had expressed about the bridge.

Christman suggested the township do the necessary scour repairs and let everything else go, budget for the future repairs and complete everything else as necessary.

He said scour repairs could cost around $30,000, but these repairs are what they are most concerned about more than anything for the bridge.

Supervisor Robb Werley said he noticed how the current report states the bridge could have a life expectancy of another 20 years, which would be longer than originally expected.

Board Vice Chairman Buddy Wessner, however, said they should send the repairs out for a bid, and see what the cost would be.

Supervisors agreed to have Christman make a sketch of the bridge and post it out on PennBid to see what bids they receive.

Roadmaster Joe Kalusky was not in attendance for the Zoom board meeting but the board reported roads need it the most will be oiled and chipped.

Supervisors expect next year the situation will be more normal, so they can do more paving and work on a larger project.

Chairman Richard Hughes suggested if there are any current spots that are bad on roads, they could possibly do some patching to fix it temporarily.