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NWL graduate receives Central Grange Community Service Award

At their first in person meeting since February, members of Central Grange 1650 presented their 2020 Community Service Award to Northwestern Lehigh Class of 2020 graduate Katelyn “Kate” Breininger.

The award was in recognition of Kate’s volunteer and community service.

The presentation took place June 23 at the Goodwill Fire Company, Germansville.

The daughter of Amy and Todd Breininger, of Germansville, Kate was presented a $1,000 check by Grange President Harold Hoppes “as a token of our appreciation for your service to our community.

“We are very proud of all your accomplishments through the past years and trust you will continue your wonderful contributions to the benefit of our community,” Hoppes said. “The officers and members of our Grange wish you the best in all your future years in college and your new profession, keep up the good work.”

Community Service Chairwoman Shoanna Pfeifly highlighted examples of Kate’s dedication and service efforts.

As a member of Weisenberg Lutheran Church, New Tripoli, she actively participated in the Elementary, Junior High and Senior Youth Groups, and served as a helper at the Vacation Bible School and in third- and fourth-grade Sunday School classes. She also volunteers at the annual Sunday School Picnic.

Pfeifly also noted that as a member of the Senior Youth Group, Kate participated in numerous mission trips and activities, including working on the Pittsburgh Project and Philadelphia Project Mission Trips to assist youth, homeowners and other city residents.

She also helped with several local mission projects to benefit the community including dedicating time at food pantries, soup kitchens, donating items for homelessness relief and carrying out Christmas shopping for the less-fortunate.

Kate was also noted for having attended the 2018 National Youth Gathering in Houston, Texas, participating in Youth Quake for eight years and being a member of the handbell choir for the past six years.

“Grange members were all impressed with all Kate has accomplished and wish her the best of luck in the coming years,” Pfeifly said in closing. “Well done, good and faithful servant. Keep up the great work.”

Kate said she greatly appreciated receiving the award and gift money, adding she has plans to use the funds in preparation for attending Kutztown University in the fall, where she will be working toward a degree in communications design.

“I’ll probably put it toward school supplies, stuff for arts and probably books, too, if I need them,” Kate said.

She was asked about additional future plans.

Kate said she is considering working toward a graduate degree to put her artistic talents to work.

“Afterward, I’m hoping to get a Master’s in medical illustration, which Rochester Institute of Technology offers,” she said.

Kate’s family commented on her being honored.

“We’re super proud of her. She’s very talented and we’re really appreciative of this scholarship gift. This was very nice,” Amy Breininger said. “It was a surprise. We weren’t prepared for it.”

“This was very generous of the Grange to give this scholarship award,” Todd Breininger added.

“It’s wonderful. We’re very proud of her,” Kate’s grandmother, Phyllis Breininger of Pleasant Corners, said.

Her grandfather Carl Breininger made note of Kate’s artistic abilities, showcasing how she had created dozens of cartoons of her fellow seniors for the Northwestern Lehigh High School yearbook, as well as the cover design for Groundhog Lodge No. 18’s March meeting booklet, which shows a fishing groundhog dressed in Pennsylvania Dutch-style clothing.

“She did it all freehand,” Carl Breininger said of his granddaughter’s artwork. She’s a very talented artist.”

Central Grange No. 1650 was formed in 1915 as a local member of the National Grange of the Order of Patrons of Husbandry, a nonprofit fraternal organization dedicated to advocating for rural America, grassroots activism, family values and community service.

In addition to the community service award, which Hoppes said has been presented for more than 30 years, Grange members engage in a variety of outreach and service activities including helping volunteer groups, organizing youth camp programs, fundraising and making donations.

PRESS PHOTOS BY SARIT LASCHINSKYKate Breininger, a member of the Northwestern Lehigh High School Class of 2020, receives a $1,000 check from Central Grange 1650 President Harold Hoppes in recognition of her dedicated volunteer and community service work.