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Board approves 2020-21 budget

During its June 17 virtual meeting, the Northwestern Lehigh School Board approved the final budget for the 2020-21 school year.

The budget includes $4,206,769 in total revenues, $47,017,635 in total expenditures and a revised shortfall and use of fund balance of $1,810,866.

Additionally, a millage increase of 0.6507 mills to a new 2020-21 rate of 17.2195 mills, raising $1 million was also included and accepted by the board.

The board also approved changes to the district’s property tax payment periods for the next school year.

The property tax discount period will be extended through Sept. 30 and the face value period will be extended through Dec. 31.

Further changes also include the elimination of the property tax penalty period, provided any 2020-21 unpaid taxes due and owed after Dec. 31 will be reported to the delinquent tax collection agency.

The board also approved the use of Committed Fund Balance, General Fund Balance Resolution and the 2020-21 Homestead Farmstead Resolution.

An additional transfer of $684,000 from the General Fund Budget to the Capital Reserve Fund, as outlined in the current district budget, was also approved.

In other financial business, board members retroactively approved the CSIU 16 fuel bid for the upcoming school year.

New Tripoli Bank, Pennsylvania Local Government Investment Trust, PA School District Liquid Asset Fund and PNC Bank were appointed as district depositories for 2020-21.

The board also accepted the insurance package policies and the reception of the annual investment report.

Additionally, Superintendent Jennifer Holman announced the district was looking at having a special meeting 7 p.m. July 22 to discuss and present a districtwide health and safety plan.

She said the district was considering “all options for the beginning of school,” adding that the district administrators would like to see students and staff return to school in-person this fall.

Holman said the plan was being developed in a task force partnership between the district and various health partners, and the planning information and report will be distributed to parents and families.

Board President Willard Dellicker also noted that the July meeting would also include a kickoff discussion for defining the parameters and goals which will be used to structure the 2020-2021 budget.

Under personnel actions, Director of Human Resources Luann Matika noted the retirement of part-time bus drivers John Halasovski and Bonita Youwakim after 15 and 16 years of respective service, as well as the recognition of the first hire of the 2020-2021 school year; seventh grade Science and Language Arts teacher Melissa Smith.

Matika said Smith, who is a Northwestern Lehigh alumnus, will be invited to a future meeting for a proper in-person introduction.

Furthermore, board members also voted to approve the administrative salaries and support staff rates for 2020-2021.

In other business, a dual-enrollment agreement with Moravian College for the next school year was accepted.

LeAnn Stitzel, director of curriculum and instruction, said the agreement was an effort to make additional options available for students.

Four courses - Music Theory and Composition, Spanish 3 Honors, Spanish 4 Honors and Physics 2 - will be taught by district teaching staff.

Students will have the option to take them for high school credit or to pay a reduced tuition rate and earn college credit.

Board members also approved a health and safety plan which provides the district with a path to have student-athletes return for training, practice and competition in a way to keep them, coaches, parents and others safe in light of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

Holman and Athletic Director Jason Zimmerman explained that the plan was developed in coordination with Lehigh Valley Health Network and guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association, and the governor’s office.

Zimmerman said if start dates remain accurate, the first sports matches will start Aug. 22, but added the health plan will be updated accordingly, if circumstances change and new COVID-19 information emerges.

He also said spectators are currently not permitted at sporting events per Gov. Tom Wolf’s orders.

Under operations, the board approved a one-year term with PenTeleData for increased bandwidth associated with Weisenberg Elementary School’s network transport circuit for $1,860 per month.

Also approved was an agreement with One You Nutrition LLC for services to supplement the food service supervisor shared with Northern Lehigh School District from July 1 through June 30, 2021.

Lastly, under the education foundation report, Stitzel reported the foundation is advertising and searching for a development director - the first paid position for the foundation - with hopes to start by the beginning of the 2020-21 school year.

Stitzel said the position was deemed crucial to uphold the foundation’s goal of supporting the district’s education goals and bringing in funding.

She said over the past year, the foundation provided more than $162,000 to the district through grants, services, funding and other forms.

Additionally, she also noted the foundation is looking for people to fill two open positions on their board of directors.

Information is available at nwlef.org.

The next board meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m. Aug. 5.