School board approves homestead, farmstead resolution
At the Whitehall-Coplay School Board meeting June 8, members approved the 2020-21 homestead and farmstead exclusion resolution, providing $1,182,088.95 in total property tax reduction funds, or $172.65 for 6,847 approved homesteads or farmsteads within the district in accordance with Act 1 of 2006, the Taxpayer Relief Act.
Also at the meeting, Hackett thanked The Giant Company for the monetary donation in relation to its mission of “Connecting Families for a Better Future.”
The board approved Fulton Bank as the 2020-21 collector of real estate taxes for 2020-21; Portnoff Law Associates, Ltd. for collection of delinquent real estate taxes; and G.H. Harris for past due per capita tax payments.
Cafeteria breakfast, lunch and milk prices for the 2020-21 school year were approved, with prices remaining the same as the previous school year. Whitehall High School lunches will still cost $2.90; Whitehall-Coplay Middle School, $2.85; Gockley, Steckel and Zephyr elementary schools, $2.70; premium line, $3.15; reduced lunch, $0.40; breakfast, $1.60; reduced breakfast, $0.30; a la carte milk, $0.60; and adult meals, a la carte.
The board approved the Community Services for Children Inc. Pre K Counts program at Steckel for the 2020-21 school year.
Approved resignations include Ronald Bealer Jr., technology teacher at WHS, and Barley Melcher, long-term substitute teacher at WCMS.
The board approved the retirement of Judith Mohr, assistant cook at WHS.
Also approved was Gockley salaried substitute Gayle Ganser, at the rate of $54,869.
Approved coaches include Courtney Kokolus, head cheerleading coach, at the rate of $4,500; Jeffrey Jones, head boys basketball coach, at $8,045; William Robertson, head girls basketball coach, at $8,045; Timothy Cunningham, head wrestling coach, at $6,410; and Peter Rile, head swimming coach, at $6,000.
The next school board meetings will be held 7 p.m. July 13 and Aug. 10.
Finance/personnel, education/student activities, operations/transportation meetings will be held 4 p.m. Aug. 24.