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School board discusses budget

During the Northwestern Lehigh School District board’s June 3 virtual meeting, Business Administrator Leslie Frisbie outlined the 2020-21 district budget, which was expected to be approved at the June 17 board meeting.

The final budget includes $43,798,281 in revenue, $46,609,147 in expenditures and $1 million in tax revenue through a 3.65 percent increase in the millage resulting in a shortfall of $1,810,866, which will be covered by the district fund balance.

Since May, Frisbie reported the district had managed to reduce $912,000 from the shortfall.

Board members also reviewed budget-related actions which needed to be approved June 17, including the 2020-21 Homestead Farmstead Resolution, capital reserve transfers, use of the committed fund balance, district depositories and insurance renewals.

Additionally, under finances, board members approved an agreement with Carbon Lehigh Intermediate Unit No. 21 to serve as a conduit for the Overdrive School Download Library for the upcoming school year at a cost of $2,000.

In other matters, Superintendent Jennifer Holman commended high school Principal Aileen Yadush, Athletic Director Jason Zimmerman and other administrators and staff for their work on the senior graduation diploma ceremony for the Class of 2020.

Holman said the event received very positive feedback from parents and the community.

“Certainly, it wasn’t exactly what we traditionally do at Northwestern for graduation but it certainly was memorable.” Holman said.

Additionally, Holman said the Pennsylvania Department of Education had sent the district some documents with preliminary guidance regarding reopening.

She also said a letter had been sent to parents regarding plans to begin the 2020-21 school year in the fall and soliciting feedback.

Holman noted that as part of the guidance, the district would need to assign a pandemic coordinator and team to address different topics, and that the district was working on the necessary plans.

Under personnel items, Director of Human Resources Luann Matika noted the retirements of instructional assistant Dorothy Brobst, custodian Randall Holzer and part-time food service worker Debra Snyder after 16, 13 and 20 years of respective service to the district.

Board members also approved payment of 2019-20 spring stipends for approved employees, and also the renewal of annual extracurricular appointments for the 2020-21 school year.

For curriculum and building issues, the board voted to approve textbooks for the 2020-21 curriculum, as well as applications for Title I, Title IIA and Title IV Federal Grant opportunities.

Members also voted to reject Title III funding for the upcoming year.

Furthermore, applications for 2020-21 Pa. Commission on Crime and Delinquency funding and $140,456 in Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Funds was also approved.

Under operations, the board approved new school lunch prices for the upcoming school year.

The new prices are elementary: $2.90, middle school: $3.05, high school: $3.30, breakfast: $1.90 and adult: $4.

Additionally, an agreement between Northwestern Lehigh and the Northern Lehigh School District for Northern Lehigh to assign its food service supervisor to provide services at Northwestern locations between July 1 and June 30, 2021, for an hourly rate of $63.50, was also approved.

An agreement for Susan Bahnick to serve as food service supervisor for the defined time period was also approved.

The last item under operations was the approval of an update to the track project to add $3,950 worth of extra surfacing to the track chutes and oval radius.

Additional actions to approve gate and season ticket prices for the next school year and authorize bill payments were also approved.

In other business, the board also voted to appoint Marci Piescienski for an additional one-year term as board treasurer.

At the end of the meeting, board members again commended high school staff and administrators for an excellent graduation diploma ceremony, and praised the community’s support for the graduation celebration in Ontelaunee Park and the Northwestern Lehigh adopt-a-senior program to honor the Class of 2020.