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Q. Who are the members of your family: parents, siblings and pets?

A. My mom and dad, Brenda and Gary and my sister, Sarah. I also have two cats, Oreo and Milo, and a bunch of unnamed fish.

Q. What have you most enjoyed about being a senior at Emmaus High School?

A. I would have to say my final marching band season. It was our “season of lasts” and we got to experience the things that we have been waiting for since our freshman year, such as senior and mentor night. Being able to look back on old memories while also creating new ones with the people I have spent hundreds of hours with after school was definitely a highlight. Also, as the drum major of the band, I was able to stand on the podium and see all 80-something of us work hard together and seeing the growth of my band was a very rewarding experience.

Q. What is your favorite subject? Why?

A. This year my favorite subject was Advanced Placement Government. Learning about our government and how it should operate, court cases that set important precedents in our country and my rights and liberties as a citizen was very captivating as a student, but also very important to my growth as an individual as I enter a new chapter of my life. I would also like to give credit to Mr. Pum because he definitely made the class a lot more interesting and welcoming to all ideas and beliefs.

Q. Have you received any special awards or recognition?

A. I am a member of National Honor Society and an officer of the Tri-M Music Honor Society. I am also a recipient of the Outstanding Instrumentalist Award. This year I was the EHS representative at the PMEA District 10 Band Festival. I have also received the Academic Excellence Award along with Principal’s Honor Roll.

Q. What are your favorite extracurricular activities?

A. The majority of my favorite extracurricular activities are within the EHS music department. I have been in the marching band since freshman year and was the junior and senior drum major. I have performed with the symphonic band, wind ensemble, orchestra, pit orchestra and flute ensemble, which I organized and led this past year. I take private piano and flute lessons, and while not a true extracurricular, I love my job at Country Meadows Retirement Home in Allentown.

Q. What is your next goal after high school?

A. I will be attending Penn State University and I hope to graduate with a bachelor’s degree in music education. I aspire to someday be someone young musicians can look up to.

Q. What do you consider your biggest challenge to date?

A. So far, my biggest challenge would have to be not losing my passion for music. Music has been a large part of my life for 10 years now and there have been many instances where I wanted to give it up. Fortunately, I have the most supportive family and friends who helped me remember why I love and have dedicated so much of my life to it, which ultimately led me to wanting to pursue a degree in music.

Q. For what would you like to be remembered?

A. I would like to be remembered for my passion and hard work in and out of the classroom, but also for being kind. I believe that kindness is something everyone should work to treat themselves and others with, especially in today’s society that is filled with so much criticism and hate.

Q. Whom do you admire? Why?

A. I admire my grandfather. He served in World War II and came home and started a small business. With his strong passion and determination, it became a successful family business. As I begin this new chapter of my life, I hope to be as hardworking and determined as he was to achieve my goals and aspirations.

Q. Do you have any advice for your peers?

A. Work hard to make yourself proud, not to please others. But don’t forget to have fun and make memories with your friends.