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Lowhill Twp discusses bids for road materials

Lowhill supervisors met via Zoom on May 7 as a result of Gov. Tom Wolf’s stay-at-home order because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Administrator Brian Carl said the board meeting was properly advertised in accordance with Act 15.

The board discussed the road material bids.

Results were reported as follows: 400 ton 9.55 mm for Eureka Stone at $53.37 and for Lehigh Asphalt at $59.

For 400 ton 19 mm, Eureka Stone was at $47.88 and Lehigh Asphalt at $55.

For 100 ton number 57 stone, Eureka Stone did not have a bid. Lehigh Asphalt was $13.

For 12 ton QPR, Eureka Stone was $15. Lehigh Asphalt did not bid.

For 400 ton anti-skid, Eureka Stone was $13.25 and Lehigh Asphalt was $13.40.

For 800 ton No. 8 stone, Eureka Stone was $16.90 and Lehigh Asphalt was $18.

For 800 ton 2A modified, Eureka Stone was $7.50 and Lehigh Asphalt was $10.80.

Vice Chairman Buddy Wessner made a motion to accept the 12 ton QPR bid from Eureka Stone but to accept all remaining bids from Lehigh Asphalt.

Eureka Stone would be a contingent supplier in case Lehigh Asphalt would not have enough material.

Supervisor Robb Werley seconded the motion

Chairman Richard Hughes abstained from voting because he works for Eureka Stone.

Supervisors also discussed North Lane Estates during the engineer comments portion of the meeting.

Improvements that were made were found to be acceptable and in good condition and Keystone Consulting Engineers recommended the remaining balance in the escrow account, $39,139, be returned.

Werley made a motion to release the money and to close out the account after the last invoice from Keystone Consulting Engineers is paid for the final inspection.

Wessner seconded the motion.