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Kempton Bells and Bangs fundraiser has huge turnout

The Kempton community celebrated Bells and Bangs May 31 honoring volunteers and front line ?rst responders who are continuing to serve others during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Event organizer Tom Nardone said the turnout was fantastic with more than 30 cars, five ?re company vehicles, decorated cars, ?ags and signs.

At 7 p.m. the ?nal “Bells and Bangs” began with a minute of silence accompanied by a recording of “Taps” to honor each of the more than 100,000 Americans who have lost their lives to the coronavirus.

That minute was followed by blasts and horns from all the Kempton ?retrucks, car horns, drums and music blaring from the vehicles.

They then drove around the community center loop and continued toward the exit where drivers and passengers made contributions to the Kempton Community Center, as fundraising events have been canceled due to the pandemic.

“I’m very proud of what we have done together, even if it is in our small corner of the world we call home,” Nardone said. “We started this to honor all our ?rst responders as we copied the cheers, music and applause everyday in New York City and major cities around the world.

“It was meant so we might feel a bit more connected. It accomplished that and so much more.”

Nardone said the challenges of the pandemic are still all around.

“We just don’t know what our ‘new normal’ will be but we do know we have support all around us in Kempton,” Nardone said. “We know our neighbors will bring us food if we need it, make us a mask, even write us a check.

“We also know there have been so many more acts of kindness and support in our community done anonymously without the ‘Bells and Bangs,’ and that is even more special and priceless.

“God bless our community. God bless America.”

PRESS PHOTOS COURTESY THOMAS NARDONEThis car with an American flag on the hood served as the lead car May 31 at the Kempton Bells and Bangs event honoring first responders during the COVID-19 pandemic.