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Albany Township Future Fund awards $2,500 for livestock gates

Kempton Community Center’s Youth-Livestock Education Program received a boost from the Albany Township Future Fund, a special fund of the Berks County Community Foundation.

The $2,500 gift will purchase 25 livestock panels, gate-like fencing, which will allow the center to create new opportunities for Albany Township youth to develop and exhibit their livestock and dairy skills and achievements through clinics and competition.

For 53 years, the community center has fostered and promoted interest in agricultural activities through the annual Kempton Fair.

To accomplish this, the fair relies on the generous organizers of the Kutztown Fair for a loan of 140 livestock panels for animal exhibitions.

A local farmer donates time and the cost of transporting the panels.

With its own panels, the community center will gain considerable flexibility and self-sufficiency in managing the operation of the Kempton Fair and be able to expand its programming to other on-site educational events for local and regional 4-H and Future Farmers of America students.

Albany Township Future Fund was created in honor of Pauline Levan Hamm and Gloria Longenberger Hamm and their lifelong efforts to support and improve the Albany Township community.

Volunteers who work to make the Kempton Community Center function and succeed are most grateful to the founder of this fund.

PRESS PHOTO COURTESY KCCThe Albany Township Future Fund donation of $2,500 will help the Kempton Community Center purchase 25 gate-like livestock fencing panels.