During the June 1 Macungie Borough Council meeting, it was announced streetlights will finally be installed on Lumber Street. When the Devine School project began, Lumber Street was paved with the help of the school and lights were considered. A grant was received in the amount of $42,317 which will allow for the borough to purchase the seven lights needed for the street.
An update on the streetscape project was presented by Engineer Stan Wojciechowski. Verizon has adjusted the low hanging wires.
The newly installed curbing is not straight in some areas of the streetscape project creating gaps between the curbs and the brick sidewalk. Bricks have to be installed to correct this after being custom cut to fill in the gaps. A grant is being obtained for this project. The brick sidewalk will then be sealed. Gravel around the light posts must be adjusted to proper levels.
The low bid was received from Mohawk Contracting & Development for Phase IV. Bids are valid until June 27. This bid will be considered carefully after alleged unacceptable work from prior streetscape construction and voting will occur at the next council meeting.
Wojciechowski also gave an update on Stone Hill Meadows. Curbing was completed June 1 within the development.
An update was provided on Main Street Commons. A water line must be installed across Main Street. The bank construction is progressing.
The Americans with Disabilities Act ramps on Church Street were also discussed. Construction will begin in July.
There was a delay with the Estates of Brookside as the developer was in the hospital.
Mayor Ron Conrad complimented the work done on the bump outs and the flower garden. This work was done by volunteers.
Macungie Police Department Sgt. Travis Kocher said the fire department is assisting the police with drive-by birthday celebrations. He expressed his appreciation for their assistance.
Council Member Roseann Schleicher spoke about dog waste on residents’ property. When a dog leaves their waste, it is important to clean it up.
She also shared a message from Tax Collector Cindy Hartzell.
In response to Gov. Tom Wolf’s declared state of emergency and a signed bill allowing taxing entities to change the deadline for real estate tax payments, the discount period has been extended until Aug. 31 and penalties will be waived until Dec. 31. Any resident who has not yet mailed their real estate tax payment can take the 2 percent discount amount until Aug. 31. Any payment after Aug. 31, should not include the penalty amount. This change only refers to the Borough of Macungie real estate tax bill.
“Macungie borough thanks all the residents that have paid their taxes to date,” Hartzell said.
The borough employee handbook revisions were discussed. There was a debate over the problem with fragrances used by personnel. It was suggested an employee is to try and work it out but if unsuccessful, to seek help from the borough manager. Council approved this by a vote of 3-2.
A part-time summer employee was hired by the borough manager. This employee worked for Macungie before; however, it was said this should have been approved by council before the hire.
The hire was approved unanimously with council saying proper procedure should be used.
It was said the newsletter is not yet completed and if not finished on time, a postcard will be required to be mailed.
Probationary periods for new employees was discussed. A memorandum of understanding was created to add a 90-day probationary period for new hires. Council approved this by a vote of 4-1.
There is some malicious mischief on the borough website. The borough is looking for a possible outside agency to clean up computers.
There is a proposal of a parade for graduates through the various East Penn School District municipalities. It will be an hour long parade with a projected date of 1 p.m. June 14.
There was an executive session regarding the soon to be vacated treasurer position. Council recessed but a vote is needed from council. A meeting will be held June 8 where council will further deliberate the hiring of a candidate and vote.