Memorial planned for Moyer
North Catasauqua Borough Council, at its virtual meeting June 1, discussed plans to mark the one-year anniversary of the death of Kim Moyer, former North Catasauqua police chief, who died July 13, 2019.
To honor Moyer’s memory and his 40-plus years of service to the borough, the public works department plans to construct a memorial that will be installed on the borough hall grounds.
All officials in attendance were in favor of the idea, and council President Peter Paone suggested they allow for donations from the public. Citing his own personal desire to pitch in and honor the late chief, Paone thought others in the community may wish to do the same.
Borough officials discussed the possibility of making the next meeting - scheduled for June 15 - their first in-person meeting since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Borough council members and North Catasauqua Mayor William Molchany weighed the possibilities of holding the meeting at North Catasauqua William J. Albert Memorial Park or in the lower level of borough hall, 1066 Fourth St.
No final decision was made on the meeting location, but the discussion favored the basement of borough hall, as that location would not be weather dependent and the meeting would still be able to be streamed online through WebEx so attendees could enter virtually if need be.
Despite low funding for the year, North Catasauqua Recreation Committee donated $500 each to Catasauqua Community Food Bank and Catasauqua Community Cares Program to aid their support of those in need in Catasauqua and North Catasauqua boroughs during the pandemic.
Paone took time during the meeting to thank state Reps. Zach Mako, R-183rd, and Lisa Boscola, D-18th, for their help in securing more than $200,000 in Local Share Account grants for the borough’s beautification project of the public works complex, 1460 Main St.
He also reviewed the revised scope and budget for the project, which was decided on based on the funding amount. At a cost of $262,500, the borough will be able to complete phase one, which will have a public two-way road connecting Main Street to the D&L trailhead installed, and phase two A, which begins prep work for the construction of a retaining wall at the complex. First steps for the project will commence once the funding is approved through the state’s budget.
Roger Scheirer, of the civil service board, announced two officers with North Catasauqua Police Department passed testing for promotion to corporal. Officer Antonio Tramonte passed with a higher score of 90.1 percent, leading to Scheirer’s recommendation he be promoted.
Police Chief Chris Wolfer promoted Tramonte with the full support of borough council and Molchany. Tramonte called in to the meeting to thank them all for their support, saying he “appreciates their vote of confidence.”