Published June 03. 2020 12:00AM
St. Peter Roman Catholic Church, 4 S. Fifth St., will open its doors for in-person Mass this week.
According to the Rev. Msgr. John J. Martin, pastor, masks must be worn and social distancing must be observed. There will be markings on the pews and aisles to assist with maintaining distance.
The chapel remains closed until further notice.
More the 200 chicken dinners were picked up May 30 at St. John’s Lutheran Church.
This was the church’s first curbside dinner.
The solemn Memorial Day ceremony by Stanley W. Reinhard Jr. American Legion Post 426 brought back memories of the publication of the “Coplay Echoes” during World War II. The booklet, published monthly, brought together borough men and woman serving overseas and those families at home.
The cover, in tones of soft green, red and blue, had photos of children on bikes, neighbors talking to neighbors over backyard fences, street scenes and community events. The publication was dispatched to men and woman fighting in Europe and the islands off Japan during the 1940s.
The small magazine had pages devoted to servicemen and women from the borough who died in combat. There were also two pages of all the names of the men and women from the borough serving our country with the heading “on the land, in the air, on the sea.”
The magazine had a popular column titled “What’s Cooking,” providing the soldiers and sailors a glimpse of what is taking place in the borough.
Also included in the monthly magazine were engagements and weddings. Another page reported on the Coplay American Legion baseball program. Events of Coplay Booster Club were a popular feature in the magazine. Another popular column was titled “In the Fox Hole,” providing a soldier’s account of what is taking place in the war efforts.
Entire pages of pictures, a montage of borough residents and families, gave the soldiers and sailors a glimpse of what was happening at home.