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The lease for the Franko Farm Park farmhouse has been extended.

The Salisbury Township Board of Commissioners voted 4-0, with one commissioner absent at the May 14 meeting, to approve a one-year lease with Valentine Durner, widow of former township employee Charlie Durner.

Commissioner Rodney Conn made the motion, seconded by Commissioner Heather Lipkin, to bring the Franko lease agreement to a vote.

“She is a pretty good caretaker of the property,” Salisbury Township Manager Cathy Bonaskiewich said before the vote.

In other business, commissioners voted 4-0 to approve a resolution to authorize the township manager to execute a Community Development Block Grant application and provide for a 10-percent match commitment by the township for the 2021 Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project.

“We have to do the grant now,” Bonaskiewich said before the vote.

Seagreaves made the motion, seconded by Lipkin, to bring the resolution to a vote.

During the township officials’ commentary portion of the meeting, Salisbury Township Solicitor Atty. John W. Ashley said, “We’re making progress with Fountain Hill.”

Ashley was referring to a sanitary sewer line use agreement Salisbury has with the borough of Fountain Hill.

Township sanitary sewer lines transmit sewer flow to the borough line and through the borough sewage line to the city of Bethlehem Wastewater Treatment Plant, 144 Shimersville Road, Bethlehem.

The service is provided for Salisbury residents who live on the east side of the township.

In a phone interview after the May 14 meeting, Bonaskiewich, when asked for details about the township sewer line agreement with Fountain Hill, said to a reporter for The Press, “It’s a legal matter, so I’m not going to comment any further on that.”

Regarding the township drop-off centers, according to an update posted May 22 by Bonaskiewich on the township website, modified drop-off site schedules continue through June with some additions.

Beginning June 1, both sites are open 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday through Friday on alternating weeks, with the addition of Monday and Thursday evenings and Saturday.

Evening hours are 2-6 p.m.

Monday and Thursday Saturday hours are 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Franko will be open the weeks of June 1 and 15.

Devonshire will be open the weeks of June 8 and 22.

The operation schedule beyond June will be reassessed during the latter half of June.

Face masks must be worn to enter the site. A township employee will be stationed at the entrance gate. Residents must show proof of township residency. Only three cars will be allowed on-site at any given time.

There is to be no physical interaction between township staff and the public. Residents must unload materials and empty containers. Residents must take bags and containers utilized for the transportation of materials with them when they leave the drop-off site.

Township commissioners are next scheduled to meet 7 p.m. May 28, again via the Zoom online platform.

Residents who wish to participate are asked to register: https://www.salisburytownshippa.org/township-government/meetings.

For more information, visit https://www.salisburytownshippa.org or call 610-797-4000.