Published May 31. 2020 12:00AM
To the Editor:
In the nearly three months since the Salisbury Township School District administration presented its proposal to close Western Salisbury Elementary, much has changed.
As we live through a pandemic, we’re unsure what the future is going to hold. But one thing we are already certain of is that the future for businesses and schools and our entire lives is going to involve keeping people as far from each other as possible for the foreseeable future. We should make decisions at this time that allow that to happen easily, and not crowd more students into fewer buildings.
Now is not the time to close WSE.
Consultants from Fielding International presented the school board with visions of renovated and new K-8 facilities for the school district. These plans carried hefty price tags; the decision to keep or eliminate options should not be made in haste.
Not all proposals included closing WSE, yet our school board is weighing doing so prior to strategic community involvement on pursuing a path forward. Such a decision would be premature. Now is not the time to close WSE.
Our school board members are elected to reflect the values of the community they serve. Their service and hard work as leaders should not go unnoticed.
Over the past three months, Salisbury Township residents have come out in force - even virtually - to express opposition to the proposed grade reconfiguration. A petition ( garnered nearly 800 and counting signatures in barely 10 days.
The community values its small, local schools. I urge school board members to reflect the values of those they represent.
Now is not the time to close WSE.
Patty McClain