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Board discusses budget

The main subject of discussion for the virtual Northwestern Lehigh school board meeting on May 6 was the 2020-21 proposed final budget.

Business Administrator Leslie Frisbie explained the ongoing coronavirus situation has resulted in decreased revenue and expenditure projections for the upcoming year.

She also said adjustments and updates would continue to be made until the budget process is completed.

According to Frisbie, the proposed 2020-21 budget amount of $44,783,358, will mark a $210,000 reduction from 2019-2020.

The budget includes a recommendation to increase the millage by 0.0657 mills to a rate of 3.65 percent, which will generate approximately $1 million in additional tax revenue for the district.

The cost to the average taxpayer will increase by approximately $133.36.

Since April 1, Frisbie said the district has estimated a net reduction in revenues of around $1.2 million, and a net reduction in expenditures of around $639,000.

The proposed final budgetary shortfall is around $2.723 million, which will be filled in with fund balance usage.

Frisbie said the administration expects further reductions are anticipated to lower the fund balance usage to around $1.95 million by June, when the final budget will be adopted.

Additionally, under district finances, the board also heard an update on the refunding of the district’s general obligation bonds.

Frisbie said the district had received a number of bank loan proposals with both callable and noncallable options, and she recommended the board pursue a noncallable option to maximize savings.

Dellicker said the update and proposal looked positive, and the board approved a motion to advertise a resolution for approval at a future meeting.