Published May 21. 2020 12:00AM
To the Editor:
I still believe in the power of the press. I am often surprised that people will say to me “I saw it in The Press!” or “Someone said The Press said....”
It is not too early for the Lehigh Valley Press to begin to follow at least two issues related to public school programming and the COVID-19 virus. Both relate to cyber charter schools.
First, every school district must recognize NOW that cyber charter schools will be very attractive to a large number of parents as they plan for future educational opportunities. The financial impact on public schools, given current charter school funding formulae, will be devastating. Taxpayers need to recognize this, too.
Second, given the tendency to isolate through distance learning, public schools need to develop their own program offerings as quickly as possible. Generally they did well in the emergency response, but now it is the time to buckle down to making distance learning a part of the curricular offering.
Should we not imagine that cyber charters will be advertising their wares powerfully and soon. Public schools will need to develop their own public relations approach.
Karol Strelecki