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Board votes Christy Onkotz Cooper as new member

At the May 12 meeting, Catasauqua Area School District Board of Education members unanimously voted Christy Onkotz Cooper to join their ranks.

Shortly before the vote, the resignation of Stephen Becker from the position of school board director was approved. Cooper, who was nominated by board member Lauren Cieslak, will now fill Becker’s empty seat.

Also approved was Donald Panto to fill the role of board treasurer, Jason Bashaw as board secretary and Dale Hein as assistant secretary.

Board members unanimously approved a new personal finance class at Catasauqua High School, which will be a graduation requirement. This approval came with the support of Christina Lutz-Doemling, assistant superintendent, and Adam Schnug, CHS principal.

“It’s a skill our kids need,” Schnug noted, while thanking the board for approving the course.

District resignations include Greg Freeman, Catasauqua Middle School assistant principal; Marissa Montanez, districtwide student worker; and Tierre Robinson, districtwide custodian.

Bradshaw Henning was approved as a districtwide summer custodial worker.

All of the school principals - Schnug, Melissa Inselmann at CMS and Eric Dauberman at Sheckler Elementary School - expressed their appreciation for the work their teachers are doing with online learning. They all wanted to recognize their efforts in these unprecedented times.

“I remain in awe and impressed,” Inselmann said.

Schnug also recognized his students for their active participation in online learning.

“Our attendance has been nothing short of phenomenal,” he noted.

The appreciation for district staff and faculty was echoed by each school board member.

“Kudos to you,” board President Carol Cunningham noted.

Shelley Keffer, coordinator of student services, wanted to recognize the special education teachers for finding new and creative ways to work with their students while keeping in mind each student’s particular needs.

“There’s a lot of inspiring people,” Panto said, directly referencing the school resource officers and other district staff.

Superintendent of Schools Robert Spengler noted CASD is defined by compassion, resiliency, being community minded and always putting the students first. He said these traits are especially apparent in their reaction to the pandemic and how the district has stepped up.

“It really makes us Catty proud,” Cieslak said.