During the virtual Lower Macungie Township Board of Commissioners meeting May 7, the commissioners approved long- and short-term agreements with the Weiner tract.
Mark and Katherine Lichtenwalner agreed to purchase five parcels of ground owned by Lower Macungie Township for agricultural purposes. Two additional parcels are to be leased and used for the same purposes. This was approved by the commissioners.
In correspondence to commissioners, a resident raised questions on the use of the library tax. He also he recommended seeking voter input when future land acquisition is possible. These matters will be checked and answered, according to commissioners.
A resident sent a letter requesting a ban on open fires.
In other meeting business, the sewer relining project received quite a few bidders. This project is about relining clay pipes only. The $329,867 bid was awarded to Sewer and Water Evaluation and Rehabilitation Procedures Inc. of Bristol.
Bids were received for sewer lateral replacements. The project will replace 38 sewer laterals. The low bidder is Ankiewicz Enterprises Inc., of Tamaqua. The bid was for $123,346. The company is presently involved with the Lower Macungie Township Community Center project as a subcontractor. Concern for missed deadlines was not considered a problem since the delays were due to a situation with state directive.
Bids were received for an ultra-thin bonded wearing course road project. This was awarded to Asphalt Maintenance Solutions of Emmaus. The bid was for $263,197.
Bids also were received for a micro-surfacing project. Asphalt Maintenance Solutions also was awarded this project with a bid of $346,625.
Stone Hill Meadows requested an extension of a deadline to complete public improvements. A deadline of Aug. 1 was requested. Reasons for the request are due to COVID-19. The developers lost six weeks of work due to the COVID-19 situation. Commissioner Brian Higgins suggested the deadline should be July 17, which will make it the actual six weeks lost. If additional time is still needed, the deadline can be extended further to Aug. 1. The July 17 extension was approved.
Board of Commissioners President Ronald W. Beitler extended thanks to Denise Foulke and the recreation staff for bringing the Easter Bunny to the township via computer.
The contract for notification software was up for consideration with CivicPlus LLC. The contract was approved by the commissioners.
Township Manager Bruce R. Beitel stated the township pool will be closed for the summer. The closure is partially due to the pandemic situation but also is needed because the pool is in need of repair. As the repairs progress, further consideration as to the impact to the budget will be considered.
The closure of Orchard Road is still in process. Signs will be posted indicating the future closure of the road.
The Sauerkraut Road extension project continues. Presently the township and engineers are working on it.
The budget was discussed considering the impact of the pandemic lockdown. Earned Income Tax revenue is down but this is due to a delay in tax return filing. A more accurate determination of the impact will occur in the near future.
Committee meetings will remain on hold. They can be held if the need arises on their scheduled time and date.
An executive session was held for personnel matters and possible litigation.