School board approves appointments, textbooks
During the May 4 Whitehall-Coplay School Board meeting, members approved the reappointment of Fox Rothschild LLP as Whitehall-Coplay School District solicitor from July 1 to June 30, 2021, based on a retainer of $19,500 per year, with a base hourly rate of $185.
Also approved was the purchase of food service terminals from Heartland Schools Solutions in the amount of $23,160, using the BuyBoard Purchasing Cooperative and paid for from the food service fund.
The board approved the appointment of Whitehall Township Public Library trustee Kathleen Betz to the library’s board of trustees, in order to fill the remainder of a three-year term on the library board, through June 30, 2022.
Also at the meeting, the adoption of grades 4-6 textbooks, “Ready PA Math Core Package” and “i-Ready” personalized instruction student set, published in 2018 from Curriculum Associates LLC, Massachusetts, was approved.
The board approved the resignation of Kaylea Dietrich, math teacher at Whitehall-Coplay Middle School, and approved salaried substitute David McFadden, WCMS math teacher, at the rate of $49,345.
Also approved were district summer school program teachers at the contracted rate of $36 per hour, not to exceed 120 hours, from June 29 to July 31. Approved teachers at WCMS include Sharon Gumhold, math; Mark Fatzinger and Rhiannon Sorrentino, English/language arts; Samantha Neas, science; Stephen Piston and Vincent Santa Maria, social studies; Lisa Barr, special education; and Dennis Roman, math/language arts substitute. Also approved was Jennifer Stancombe, special education teacher at Whitehall High School.
The board approved extended school year teachers at the contracted rate of $36 per hour, not to exceed 80 hours, from July 6 to July 30. Teachers approved for two days per week at five hours each day include Lauren Santayana and Stephanie Trumbauer. Teachers approved for four days per week at four hours each day are Michael Gaugler, Michael Rile, Katie Rile and Mary Scheel.
The district summer school and ESY programs will most likely be held virtually.